5 Easy to Implement Tips for Safer Working at Home

Many people who have never worked remotely before are suddenly finding themselves having to navigate their workday from their own homes. Working from home can make you more relaxed and less likely to follow the same security protocol you would in the office. If you’re working from home with company-owned equipment, you should check to make sure you’re following these 5 security tips.  

  1. Store your devices out of sight when you are away from your home office. If possible, secure these devices in an area that can be locked.  

  2. Lock you screen when you walk away to take a break. This tip is especially important for those with a shared living arrangement or those with young children and pets.  

  3. Don’t leave passwords or sensitive data on your desk. One stolen password can take down a company’s entire network, so be sure to properly secure sensitive information.  

  4. Make sure your devices are updated to the latest version to ensure the most recent security patches are installed on your device.  

  5. Make sure you are only accessing company data with a secure internet connection. If possible, we recommend you use a virtual private network (VPN) when working remotely. 

 Following these tips will go a long way in securing your company data and ensuring you’re operating within best practice and compliance guidelines. For more resources and information related to working from home, visit our YouTube channel.  

Business owners, it is important to train your staff on proper protocol for securing company property and data while working remotely. For advanced training on issues related to phishing, establishing secure connections, file sharing, malware prevention, and more, email us at sales@infotectdesign.com or call (813) 630-2400. We partner with Webroot to provide a complete Security Awareness Training solution that can be delivered and managed remotely.  

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