How Webroot is Combating Evolving Threats in the Marketplace

The world has jumped to technology as the solution to working and staying connected in a pandemic world.  The people that prey upon Internet vulnerabilities, software bugs, and unsuspecting web users are excited!  Much like a fisherman on the rivers after a good spawning season, there are lots of fish in the water!  We help our customers avoid getting caught on the hooks using superior products like Webroot.  As a Webroot partner and reseller, we wanted to share some of the solutions to the evolving threats on the Internet.

What are the evolving threats?

File and File-less Script Attacks

Scripts can come from a web page.  They can be embedded in attachments.  Sometimes they can even run from memory without having a file on the system. Examples of script include JavaScript, VBS, PowerShell, wscript, Cscript, macros, and more. File-based scripts as well as file-less scripts can often evade malware detection software. This means businesses need to be aware of security threats and train staff accordingly to reduce risk to sensitive information.  

Phishing Emails

Emails with relevant topics are used to get victims to download Trojan programs that put ransomware or other malware onto their computer. This is the primary method of stealing credentials or getting you to download ransomware. Allowing malware on your device through phishing emails can completely compromise your device or network.  Training your team on the most effective method of identifying a phishing email is essential to keeping your business safe.


Cryptojacking gains access to a computer through browser-based programs, while cryptomining is malware that uses a computer to mine cryptocurrency. This is harmful to your computer because it can use up valuable CPU power that is normally used to process instructions provided by the user. Security programs that recognize dangerous URLs are essential to preventing this attack on your device.

What can you do?

Get Webroot

Webroot is a leader in anti-virus and threat protection with over 78 million end users protected. Webroot provides a variety of valuable services, including cloud management and cloud-based signature/scanning.  In May of 2020, Webroot released the new Webroot Evasion Shield product to add an extra layer of security to users. The Webroot Evasion Shield targets phishing emails, file, and file-less attacks by preventing execution of malicious behaviors found in script. Cryptojacking and cryptomining also rely on scripts, meaning the Webroot Evasion Shield can prevent malicious script behaviors before they cause harm to your device.

Upgrade to Windows 10

Devices with Windows 7 are more likely to gain an infection than devices that have upgraded to Windows 10. Overall, systems running Windows 7 are nearly three times more likely to get infected than Windows 10 devices. Windows 10 contains enhanced protection for file-less scripts, obfuscated scripts, and other sophisticated script attacks against your business.

Train Your Staff

Every type of organization is recommended to receive security awareness training at least annually. According to Gartner in the Webroot 2020 Threat Report, “security education and training is a rapidly growing market and estimates that ‘by 2022, 60% of large/enterprise organizations will have comprehensive security awareness training programs.’” Security awareness is critical for every employee in a business to protect sensitive information such as data, account credentials, and important company documents.

Want to learn more about how to protect your business? Contact Infotect for Webroot licensing and security training! We can start deploying Webroot protection products within one business day of your order.  You get cloud console access and email alerts which mean peace of mind knowing your endpoints are protected!  Our team is a short call away to help with auditing, upgrades, and more!  Email us at or call our office at (813) 630-2400.


Webroot Evasion Shield Community Post

Webroot 2020 Threat Report

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