Your Website is Your Hardest Working Employee

Let me begin by saying this, if you don’t have a website, you need one. Keep in mind though that having a website requires thoughtful planning and frequent attention. You shouldn’t just ‘throw together’ a website and let it sit to collect digital dust. The best websites are simple to use, have a thoughtful design, provide current and accurate information, and ultimately have the end-user in-mind every step of the way.

With a well-designed and fully optimized website, you can expect a lot of benefits. In the interest of keeping this blog short and digestible, we are only going to touch on a few reasons why you should upgrade your website.

SEO Benefits

The return from improving your search engine optimization (SEO) will exceed your expectations. Not everybody is a marketer, so I’m going to break this down as simply as possible.

1.  Improving your SEO through keyword implementation and other SEO tactics like link building will improve your search engine results page (SERP) ranking.

2.  Your SERP ranking refers to where your website ranks compared to the other results from the search inquiry. This is important because 80% of Google users don’t search past the first SERP.

3.  If you appear higher in the search engine results, you’ll attract more organic traffic to your website.

4.  With a strong website, a percentage of this new traffic will become qualified leads for your business to pursue.


Design – Your website should have a clean, professional design that allows users to easily navigate your website in as few clicks as possible. The best websites are intuitive in nature, meaning users automatically have a feel for how to navigate to the information they are seeking. A user will leave your website at the first sign of confusion when trying to navigate to their desired page, so simplicity is key.

Speed – Studies show that website speed is a huge determinant of if somebody will stay or leave your website. People perceive time much differently online, so even 4-5 seconds is perceived as ‘too long to wait’ when surfing the internet. There are many tactics for improving speed, such as reducing the size of images on your website.

Mobile – More than half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices. Your website must be optimized for mobile or else mobile users will have a nightmarish experience trying to navigate your website from their smartphone. After one bad experience, you’ve likely lost that user for good, so don’t lose them for something as simple as mobile optimization.

Think about it this way, your website is your hardest working employee. It represents your brand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It’s an excellent resource for your current customers, leads, and even your employees to refer to for all sorts of information. The return on investment from a high-quality website is astronomical.

Contact us at if you’d like to request a free initial website design.


IDS Marketing