What You Can do to Protect Your Company from Cybercrime!


Cybercrime and ransomware are currently hot topics, for good reason. The threats that companies of all sizes face are coming to the forefront of our realities as business owners, leaving us with the need for solid answers on how to protect our companies. This blog post will summarize Webroot’s recent article, “Targeted assets: The need for cyber-resilient infrastructure,” while focusing on what SMB can do to protect themselves from future attacks.

Actively Invest in Cybersecurity Infrastructure:

With the increasing threat of more and more sophisticated ransomware and cybercrime threats, the question isn’t “if” your company gets attacked but “when.” Preparing in advance to have a strong, secure network is the best business practice. While the costs of implementing security may seem steep, especially to smaller companies, the costs of cybercrime have on a company is much more devastating. More than 60% of small business go out of business within 6 months of an attack (Steinberg, 2019). Investing in security infrastructure necessary.

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Protect ALL your networks:

 You may keep aspects of your computer network separate, such as private and guest Wi-Fi. This doesn’t mean that those components don’t tap into your core business activities. Each computer and Wi-Fi enabled device needs to be protected. Any connections can be exploited by cybercriminals, meaning that no parts of your network infrastructure should be left unguarded. With the increase of the Internet of Things (IoT), more items are connecting to the internet. This is leaving more openings for cybercriminals to take advantage of your network.

Key Takeaway:

Protecting your network is vital to protecting your business, employees, and clients. Infotect and MSPs can take care of all the technical aspects of this, by implementing Webroot security monitoring and management tools and being at your side to quickly remediate any incoming threats.

Infotect Design Solutions has over 20 years of experience helping companies achieve their IT success and gaining peace of mind when dealing with technology. If you have more questions or would like to hear about our Security Awareness training, please call us at (813)-630-2400 or email us at startfresh@infotectdesign.com





- Webroot blog -  Webroot Targeted Assets Blog

- Steinberg, S. (2013, October 13). Cyberattacks now cost companies $200,000 on average, putting many out of business. CNBC. Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/13/cyberattacks-cost-small-companies-200k-putting-many-out-of-business.html