What is the Cloud and how can it help me with growing security risks?


When I say cloud what do I mean? I could make an obvious joke about clouds in the sky but that would be mis(t)leading… This blog is not about clouds in the sky, but technology clouds or cloud computing. We will give an understanding of what cloud is, who can use the cloud, and why it is important to the future of technology. If you still have questions about the Cloud, please email us at startfresh@infotectdesign.com.

What is the Cloud?

Let’s get our heads in the cloud and talk about what the cloud is. According to CloudFlare, “The Cloud refers to servers that are accessed over the internet, and the software and databases that run on those servers.” In other words, it is a secure way to store, access, and work with your data from anywhere.

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Where is the Cloud located?

You probably use the cloud without even realizing it. On your phones, you can access streaming platforms such as Netflix and Disney+, and more. So, where is the cloud?

When I say the cloud, the data is stored in a physical location outside of your device. Instead of only being on your desktop, laptop, or other devices, the data is stored on servers owned and managed by other companies in large data centers and you access the information over the internet.

When did the Cloud become a trend?

Cloud is not as new as you may think.  According to MIT Technology Review, “Some accounts trace the birth of the term to 2006 when large companies such as Google and Amazon began using the ‘cloud computing’ to describe the new paradigm in which people are increasingly accessing software, computer power, and files over the web instead of on their desktops.” The military was using similar processes dating back decades before Google and Amazon started using the term and before they brought it to the commercial space. Cloud took off for commercial use around 2011 when Apple launched their new product “iCloud”. This allowed everyday individuals to store photos, music, videos, and more in the cloud.


Who can use the cloud?


Cloud is becoming a necessity in business and for commercial use. The need to have the ability to access your information securely and from anywhere is not only for business professionals jet-setting around the world anymore. Since the start of the pandemic, we see the increasing demand for people to be able to work remotely just as effectively as while in the office. With new offerings are coming out daily such as Microsoft’s new Cloud PC, and cell phones being hotspots and providing secure internet access, we can see the need to adapt and utilize everything that is offered with the cloud.


Why is the Cloud important to my security efforts?

Security is more important than ever! With a rise in ransomware attacks, you may be skeptical about accessing your information outside of the office and worry about cloud safety. While depending on the user, cloud security is built into every layer which allows you to access your data securely and with peace of mind. You still need to be cautious because human errors make up almost 95% of security breaches according to the IBM Cyber security intelligence Index report.


How can I use the Cloud?

When we are talking about Cloud for commercial use such as streaming platforms and even the devices leveraging cloud-like iPhones, you need to be aware of their security measures and how they keep their users safe. Ask questions like: is there multi-factor authentication to prevent someone else from accessing your account?

When we are talking about Cloud for business talk to your IT department and see how they are leveraging the cloud. Ask what you can do to help keep your environment safe and what resources you have but may not be using.


Infotect Design Solutions is a leader in the managed IT services industry with 20 years of experience.  We provide knowledge, products, services, and solutions to solve the technology challenges faced by small and midsize businesses. Our strong in-house expertise along with our established technology partnerships allow Infotect Design Solutions to deliver an array of IT solutions that address outsourcing, managed services, consulting, and cloud framework. If you want to see how we leverage the cloud for our clients email us today at startfresh@infotectdesign.com.