Security Do’s and Don'ts: The work from home edition

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Time and time again our tech experts see the same security mistakes made by end-users, making not only the user’s PC vulnerable, but now their company is at risk of a serious breach.  And while everyone makes these mistakes, it is critical for the stakeholders of the business to set the right precedence of what your company’s security policies should look like.  

Now that many businesses have adjusted their workforce to work from home either part or full time, we thought it was time for a quick refresh of our Security Do’s & Don’ts: The Work from Home Edition. Our experts are laying out a few best practices that are critical to remember, even when you are working from home.

Security Do’s and Don’ts!


Do follow any security policies already in place. Your company may already have policies in place to help them stay safe. If they do, don’t ignore your company’s policies just because it could mean extra steps for you such as logging in taking two factors to prove it’s you. It might seem slightly tedious but in the long run, you will prevent hackers from using your passwords against you.

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Don’t leave devices unattended. Do keep your computer locked any time you walk away.  Physical security is an important factor many people forget while working from home. Just because you are home doesn’t mean your computers can’t be accessed. Be aware of who has access to your computer and home office.

Do back up your data. The cloud is a magical place and can protect your data. You will be able to access what you need when you need it without tracking versions or losing your work completely if your computer dies.

Don’t forget to keep your software up to date. This can be done by simply restarting your computer and programs at least once a week. Especially if you leave your computer on all the time or sleep/hibernate, a proper power cycle will allow the necessary software updates to occur and keep your system safe.

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Don’t leave your passwords written down insight of your computer.

Do practice good password management. Your company should have a policy in place to change your password regularly or, at least, use multi-factor authentication.

Do be aware of all links you click!  Be cautious of emails from unknown senders. As we always say, read before you click.

Don’t give important information over email. This may include passwords, bank information, or other confidential information. Avoid phishing scams and attacks by building your awareness and constantly being vigilant.  Ask if your company has security awareness training. This will give you the knowledge to be safer!

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Do read through anything you accept such as teams and conditions.  Some sites may have unsafe privacy policies themselves and misuse your data. Don’t accept every cookie request and or permission that is asked of you while accessing a website or app.

If you follow these security tips then you can gain confidence and peace of mind, knowing you are doing your part to keep yourself and your company secure. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  But if you feel that way, ask for help when you need it!  Ask your IT department or MSP, we are here to help.

Infotect Design Solutions has over 20 years’ experience helping companies achieve their IT success. Infotect was founded to bridge the gap between an organization's technology needs and the availability of reliable, value-based consulting services. If you would like to see if we are right for your company, or get your company’s security score, please call us at (813) 630-2400 or email us at